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Saturday, July 11, 2009

Siwon - english name Andrew Choi

I know these are not fresh news one, but i still want to post these into my blog. ^^

Dennis Park is Leeteuk
Casey Kim is Heechul
Joshua Chen is Han Geng
Jerome Kim is Yesung
Jordan Kim is Kang In
Matthew Shin is Shin Dong
Vincent Lee is Sung Min
Spencer Lee is Eun Hyuk
Aiden Lee is Dong Hae
Andrew Choi is Siwon
Nathan Kim is Ryeowook
Bryan Trevor Kim is Ki Bum
Marcus Cho is Kyu Hyun

Until this day, i still can not collect data about ' from what reason, Suju have english name'. But i like their choices. Good names.


  1. OMG they all have such pretty names. lol especially siwon.
