Here we go, Haruka,..pls it's now your turn :)
Hi everyone,
Re: SS2 Manila, Philippines
Just sharing my SS2 concert with you guys and hope you all enjoy it.
Day before the concert - April 9
I learned from the net that Suju will arrived that day but don't know what exactly the time or what airline they will be using. I just seen it from news (TV) that they already arrived Manila @ 11am. To my surprised, seeing them on TV at NAIA, fans MOBBED them. My goodness!! Are they real? Well, the Filipinos just got very much overwhelm by Suju's visit to Manila, I guess... heheheh
While watching that scenes @ NAIA on TV, my bestfriend asked me: "Are they the typical fans?" then I laughed, saying: "I don't know..."
Next Day - April 10 (AT LAST!!!)
Killing time before the SS2 @ Araneta Coliseum.
I and my brother (who agreed to come with me) arrived at Araneta around 5pm and my bro rushed to the ticket booth to buy tickets then only to came back to where he left me and said: "Tickets are all sold out!! SOLD OUT!!" What?!! Yeah, it was sold out. I felt disappointed. But? NO! My intuition still telling me not to give up! I can still watch the concert! >>> there were saying that the "will of mind is powerful!" Hahaha I have read that in a book..can't remember anymore the exact title. Gosh! I already forgot that I was hungry as I didn't take lunch that day.
Anyway, since the tickets are already sold-out, there were some ticket scouters outside the ticket booth and selling tickets in a much higher prices. In my conclusion; "these ticket scouters was the cause why the tickets are now sold-out!!! Damn!" Hehehehe But still, I really want to watch the concert or else? I will not forgive myself! Hahaha At the back of my mind, Suju concert might happen once in lifetime here in Manila. I waited for this, so I MUST watch the concert!
Being someone with no choice,,,I sighed. In no choice state, we bought the tickets at much higher prices and I even talking to the ticket scouters like this >>>"Are sure this tcikets are real? If this are fake we will call the police!" Hahaha and know what the man replied on me? "Totoo yan, walang fake dito. Pumasok na kayo sa loob." (No fake tickets here. Just go inside.) Then so, we did...
Thank God! The tickets isn't fake! I have to cry you know...I bought tickets for two and it was my expense!! My bro is so nice, isn't? He only agreed to go with me in condition that I will pay for his ticket. Wooooaaahhhh!
Back to the concert >>> When we already inside the concert, I got convinced that the Suju concert was the biggest concert arena ever made in Araneta. It was really big and I must say, it should be like that to satisfy the number of Suju. When we were already there, that was the only time that I feel my stomach empty!! Hahaha I just bought food there as there were food vendors inside the concert hall. That's why no foods allowed to bring inside!!! Hahaha
Aside to the foods, they were also selling semi-binoculars for those in the upper audience area, for them to see more up-close their fave Suju idols.
When the Suju appeared on stage, fans started shouting their names and surrounded the whole concert arena. On the other side of the audience area, there were group of fans shouting SIWON's name. I'm surprised and said to my bro - "I should be there with them!!" Hahaha My bro laughed out loud.
After their opening number, they were called one by one and Siwon referred as the "Living work of art!!" OMG!! He is so georgeous! And he speaks english!!!
When he sang the 'who am i' fans are singing with him. Sadly, I am not really familiar with that church song, I only heard that song when he sing it from their the song...still never heard of it. Just heard from SIWON! hahahhhahh It was nice and he sings with all his heart!!! God is so good!! He wasn't just good looking but he also sing and dance and now...he also in acting! What more?!!! You have to agreee with me, ladies there!! Oh come on?! Hehehehhe
During their performance - Super Girl... it was quite obvious that Siwon is already bit tired...well, the song supergirl needs them to exert a lots of, dance and dance....
For Sorry, sorry - Siwon showed up his perfect abs!!! Eeeee!
And during the pajama party, Siwon slowly went out and go backstage...and I realized, Siwon obviously low energy. I was even thinking, if we go out again and will sing again or will join his co-members. But he wasn't...
He just showed up again when they're bidding goodbye. Siwon was hanged his arms over Leeteuk's shoulders as Leeteuk said something to him to translate in English. Seeing SIWON low energy, looking tired, my heart felt sad and wish that I was there too at backstage taking care of him. Hahahhaha Am I dreaming?? Well, everyone are free to have their dreams. Peace to all!!! SShhhh! Its our secret!!! Hahahah just kidding!!!!!
Over all, for me the concert is worh watching for!! Heehehe
Despite, the language barrier, fans still managed to sing with SUJU, well... my only reason for watching the concert was only to see SIWON and seeing the other member was plus factor! And no doubt! They were all good looking! Hahahha
Shindong was so cute when he recites 123-10 in tagalog!! So funny!! He said: "Ano ba yan?!" Hahaha It sounds natural!!!
Though, honestly, I quite don't like the idea that fans throws things like thong, condoms (not sure)..for me, it only made the front stage look messy. Well, maybe the fans are just making fun with Suju and the latter just laughed out of it.
Hope you enjoy! And continue to love Suju. Siwon keep it up! Take care of yourself!
God bless to all!!! mwaaah! (n.n)
thank u Haruka ! And guys hope u enjoy what she has shared with us here ^__^
--i'm preparing for next fan account... pls anticipate it :D it's all Siwon focus--
thank u Haruka ! And guys hope u enjoy what she has shared with us here ^__^
--i'm preparing for next fan account... pls anticipate it :D it's all Siwon focus--
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