SiwonLover’s team wants to say our gratitude to the Lord who makes this happen, and of course to all of you and fanbases who have participated. Together we can make a better world. Cheers and God bless you. ^^
This time, we decided to give charity to The World Food Programme (WFP). WFP is the world's largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide. They are part of the United Nations system and is voluntarily funded.

know that Siwon is a kind and helpful man. So, let's be like Siwon.
Let's show to those people, that we, as Siwon and Super Junior's fans,
care for others too. Let's show them how Siwon is a great living example
for us who has inspired us to show kindness to others.
Go Donate!
Let's Play! And
Test Your Hunger IQ! Read the details by clicking on each picture (or go to Shortcuts).
- SiwonLover - International
- SiwonestSGP - Singapore
- WONindonesia - Indonesia
- siwonestperu - Peru
- SiwonestBR - Brazil
- SiwonestMx - Mexico
- SiwonestChile - Chile
- SoldiersOfShibrows - Argentina
- siwonestbolivia - Bolivia
- SiwonestPride - Hispanoamérica
- EgyptSiwonest - Egypt
- SiwonestInMorocco - Morocco
- FrenchSiwonnies - French
- TheSiwonDiaries - United Kingdom
- SiwonItalia - Italy
- OSOL_Siwon - Malaysia

Do you know that only USD5 can give 20 children a meal? Let's give many children many meals by donating money! ^^
[learn_more caption="Click here to more details"]
★ Paypal
- Send your donation to:
- Pick the "Money Owed" or "Personal Gift" option; if there is a fee, please cover it.
- Write your username or Twitter username, and country in the notes when you send the payment.
★ Bank Transfer
A. Indonesia
- Bank: BCA
- Acc. No: 527 054 3733
- Acc. Name: Yunike
- After sending the donation, please confirm to @EuniceDrw on Twitter.
- Bank: Mandiri
- Acc. No: 157 000 135 9026
- Acc. Name: Bianca Natasya
- After sending the donation, please confirm to @biancanatasya on Twitter.
- Bank: Banco De Oro
- Acc. No: 288 021 566 4
- Acc. Name: Jema Belleza
- After sending the donation, please confirm to @jem_prue on Twitter.
- Bank: BSB:062498
- Acc. No: 1014 3373
- Acc. Name: Irene (CBA)
- After sending the donation, please confirm to @reneeei on Twitter.
- Bank: Hang Seng Bank
- Acc. No: 371 226721 668
- Acc. Name: Lam Lap Wai Natally
- After sending the donation, please confirm to @ahpei0311 on Twitter.
- Bank: China Construction Bank
- Acc. No: 6210 8172 0000 0256 246
- Acc. Name: 林立慧
- After sending the donation, please confirm to @ahpei0311 on Twitter.
- Bank: Interbank
- Acc. No: 345-3041203793
- Acc. Name: Janet Borja Ramirez
- After sending the donation, please confirm to @jeaneth1781 on Twitter.
- Bank: Santander
- Acc. No: 438 425 84
- Sort Code: 09-01-27
- Acc. Name: R S Latif
- After sending the donation, please confirm to @TheSiwonDiaries on Twitter.
- Bank: National Bank of Egypt
- Acc. No: 362 013 750 72
- Acc. Name: Dina Hisham
- After sending the donation, please confirm to @EgyptSiwonest on Twitter.
- Bank: Banco Nacional de Bolivia
- Acc. No: 150-1005386
- Acc. Name: Maritza Lujan Condori
- After sending the donation, please confirm to @SuperGirl415 on Twitter.
★ Western Union and Moneygram
If you don't have any credit card (or Paypal) and no representative living in your country, you can use these ways.
A. Western Union- Send an email to: with Subject: "Donation via Western Union" and write your full name (the exact full name according to your ID), your Twitter username, and your country in the email.
- We will reply your email within 2x24 hours with detailed info about where you should send your donation to.
- If there is a fee, please cover it.
- Go to Western Union's Website to check whether you have their agents near you.
- Contact @biancanatasya on Twitter or go to our if you have any questions.
- Send an email to: with Subject: "Donation via Moneygram" and write your full name (the exact full name according to your ID), your Twitter username, and your country in the email.
- We will reply your email within 2x24 hours with detailed info about where you should send your donation to.
- If there is a fee, please cover it.
- Go to Money Gram's Website to check whether you have their agents near you.
- Contact @biancanatasya on Twitter or go to our if you have any questions.
★ Alipay and Taobao (For Chinese fans)
A. Alipay
- Send your donation to: 林立慧
- If there is a fee, please cover it.
- After sending the donation, please confirm to @ahpei0311 on Twitter or @SiwonLover_com on Weibo.
- Go to SiwonLover's Taobao
- Contact @ahpei0311 on Twitter or go to our if you have any questions.
- The donating period closed on April 1st, 2014 08:00 PM KST.
- Donation sent to WFP on April 3th, 2014
- The donation sent under name of "Super Junior Siwon Choi". (Certificate will be released by WFP after some weeks from donating date)

Donation Total 1907.1 USD.
All currency in USD mentioned after paypal fee.
- Moody825 [Macau] RMB10
- 郭凤娇 [Macau] RMB100
- Linda Christiana [Indonesia] IDR200,000
- Olga Quiroz Garcia [Mexico] USD8.23
- Montenovo Lucia [Italy] USD13.30
- Saoumitaa Ganguly, under EgyptSiwonest [Egypt] USD9.26
- NN [Indonesia] IDR1,200,000
- Ingrid_Sum [Hong Kong] HKD100
- Ester Panzeri [Italy] USD18.82
- NN [Indonesia] IDR50,000
- NN [Indonesia] IDR50,000
- Yoboseyo-ELF Jogja [Indonesia] IDR200,000
- Teniti Taam [AUS] USD24.99
- Cassie Castro [USA] USD20
- Isabella Lovisi @Siwon Italia [Italy] USD6.69
- Ambra La Barbera [Italy] USD6.71
- Mariana Matos M. Peru USD 18.82
- OSOL_Siwon Malaysia IDR 1480600
Hyukie Wens
Hui Chi
Laylay Kwan
Yong Aik
JiaSin Elf
Shin Nie Elf
Yap Lee Wen
Sykhoo Elf
Whitney Lee
Sherchyi Elf
Lina Lim Wei Chean
Pei Shinn
Jie Ying Lee
- EgyptSiwonest Egypt IDR 2188300
- SiwonestChile Chile USD 68.53
Vilma Reumai
Dixie Guzmán
Johana Sepúlveda
Débora Manqueo
- Siwonest Bolivia Bolivia USD 62.03
- Siwonest Bolivia Bolivia USD 12.06
Claudia Rodriguez Arce
Lourdes Nathes Bernabe
Rossi Mary Cora Quispe
Claudia Alvarez Mamani
Gladys Roxana Blanco Casilla
Maritza Lujan Condori
Daniela Meneses Aguirre
Maria Cristina Nathes
Ximena Mamani Camacho
Daniela Conde
Mery Claros Flores
Ariela Aliaga Perez
Estrella Gomez
Daniela Navia Aucalla
Daniela Machicado
Mai Avircata
Jackeline Claros Mariscal
Deisy Churqui
Nilda Atahuchi
Siwonest Bolivia
Adriana Malaga"
- SOS_Arg Argentina USD 47.5
- SuperJunior ELF Turkey Turkey USD 20.73
- SuperJunior ELF Turkey Turkey IDR 34.23
- SiwonestMx Mexico USD 30.29
Dalia Gonzalez
Ismerai Torres
Iris Lopez
Rubi Lopez
Cristina Bernal
Naxyelly Zuñiga
Jearim Gonzalez
Mary Barboza
Tania Mendez
Alicia Contreras"
- WONindonesia Indonesia IDR 800000
- SiwonestPeru peru USD 59.93
- Japan Team USD 339.08
Hiroko Akasaka
Akiko Marui
Ryoko Owada
Sachiyo Kase
Sachiko Suzuki
Mika Sasaki
Aoi Araki
Toya Naomi
Tomomi Sato"
Rei Okabe
Masae Hida
Manami Suzuki
kumiko sato
Mayuko Ogoe
Risa Hirano
Rie Miyawaki
Junko Yamashita
Shigeko Kobayashi
Yumi Tezuka
Reiko Koori
Yuki Nabata
Naoko Nagashima
Haruna Sayaka
Tomoko Ono
Kazuyo Segawa
Asuka Segawa"
Risa Onoe
Kumiko Fukuoka
Mayumi Hashimoto
Kazuko Nagafuchi
Maki Komiya
Kazue Furuya
Setsuko Shoji"
- @Kitty4eversiwon HK USD 124.9
- @Siwonslm407Taiwan taiwan USD 81.9
- Siwonlover HK Team Hong Kong USD 40.5
- Siwonlover USD 200
- Siwonlover profit from selling limited goods

For each answer you get right, FreeRice will donate 10 grains of rice through the World Food Programme to help end hunger.
You answer, FreeRice donates.
Answering 100 questions takes less than an hour. If you answer 100
questions right for one day, FreeRice will donate 1000 grains of rice.

Total Grains donated: 6 129 590. Click Here TEST YOUR HUNGER IQ!

every person who takes this short hunger quiz, a child will receive a
warm meal thanks to an anonymous donor to WFP. Test your hunger IQ, then
challenge your friends!
the survey in less than 5 minutes, answer only 5 easy questions, learn
about hunger facts in the world, then WFP gives a warm meal for a child
because of you. It's about helping a kid while raising the awareness about hunger for you. ^^
SiwonLover’s team wants to say our gratitude to the Lord who makes this happen, and of course to all of you and fanbases who have participated. Together we can make a better world. Cheers and God bless you. ^^
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